The Gatsby Hat

The Great Gatsby, a novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald, was pronounced the best American novel of the 20th century. A long time ago I saw a film of the same name, with Robert Redford an Mia Farrow as the stars, and I loved it. However, only a few years ago I managed to read the book as well, and it thrilled me! This is an extraordinary beautiful story which ridicules American high society, their whims, shallow conversations, grandiose parties, and idleness in which they live all their lives. Mr Gatsby in the whole story represents a refreshing opposite to the snobbish way of life and gives the reader hope that the world could be a better and more beautiful place to live fully in. If you haven't read this remarkable novel, I warmly recommend it to all lovers of classic literature.

I found instructions for the Gatsby Hat on the Internet, because I wanted to make it for mu husband. When I finished the cap, he said: "You don't seriously expect me to wear that?!" And, so, the hat is now mine, haha! I must say I agree with him, it really didn't look good on his head. And I so wanted him to look like Redfort... ;)

Anyway, the tutorial for this hat is very good, clear, and precise, so making it was indeed easy. The instructions are in English and illustrated with decent photos. It seems to me that my hat needs a couple of details to look prettier and more prominent. Maybe a decorative button, a buckle, or something like that. I'll deal with it when I get a fine moment of inspiration. Until then, enjoy sewing!
